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Writer's picture: Alex BeattieAlex Beattie

The death of a dream is gradual.

It hardly ever occurs violently in a single moment.

More often it’s subtle, slow.

10,000 paper cuts instead of one fatal wound.

It happens when you make small concessions.

“I’ll start tomorrow” or “I don’t feel like it today”

It happens when your self-doubt keeps you from action.

“I’m not good enough” or “I’m afraid to try”

And it happens when you compare and contrast.

“They’re so much better than me” or “I don’t have what they have”

Little by little, bit by bit, these admittances of inadequacy crystallize into belief.

First, you try less, then you stop trying.

First, you think you can, then you question if you ever could.

First, you tell yourself it’s possible, then you tell yourself it’s unrealistic.

You internally reason, justify, and convince.

Until only ash remains where your dream once burned within you.

This is the sad reality for most people.

Their fear was greater than their courage, their conviction weaker than their uncertainty, the voice of society stronger than the voice of their higher calling.

Do not allow yourself to suffer the same fate.

Do not make the small concessions.

If you have a dream, cultivate it.

Take action towards it.

It’s in you for a reason.

Start today, and work on it even when you don’t feel like it.

Keep telling yourself that you’re good enough, and continue to try as many times as you need to.

Don’t worry about what others are doing, just focus on being better than you were yesterday.

Little by little, bit by bit, your conviction and commitment will crystallize into belief.

First, you keep practicing, then you keep getting better.

First, you think you can, then you know you will.

First, you tell yourself it’s possible, then you tell yourself it’s possible because you make it possible.

You internally devote, nurture, and refine.

Until the dream that burns within you has evolved into a blazing sun.

Never to be extinguished, never to be ash, always there to guide you towards the height of your potential and your brightest possible future.

By Alex Beattie

Coaching applications for December & January are now open.

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